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Lateral Flow and Rapid IVD
Contract Research, Development & Manufacture
Working with you when results really matter

Case Studies
Our case studies provide you with a snapshot of the projects that we have recently completed. As you'll see, the benefits of rapid in vitro diagnostics extend well beyond pregnancy and covid tests. Details that could compromise commercial confidences or intellectual property have been removed.
Product Development: ReadyGo™ Sampler
The team at ReadyGo™ asked us to help develop the product design, construction, materials and performance of their new sampler.
The result was an easy-to-use
sampler, complete with its own buffer and swab that produces a clear improvement in assay signal strength.
We're very impressed with the product and delighted to have played a part in its success.
Positive read small molecule assay: HOP-G
Hydroxypyrene glucuronide (HOP-G) is a urinary secretion and a bio marker for pyrene. Pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) commonly formed during the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Pyrene metabolises in the body to form 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HOP) and subsequently HOP-G. The Pyrene prototype benzo[a]pyrene, is classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Other adverse respiratory and dermatological health impacts have also been observed.
Pyrene may be present in relatively high concentrations in certain working environments, so detecting high levels of HOP-G may help employers to identify ‘at risk’ personnel.
Nitrocellulose Replacement
Nitrocellulose (NC) is the globally preferred membrane substrate in diagnostic lateral flow assays. A highly flammable product, NC is also one of three components in a standard lateral flow device that is classed as non-biodegradable. Affordability, convenience and sustainability are key drivers that inspire our work – and we have been leading tests to produce suitable alternatives for NC.
Coloured nanoparticles
Coloured nanoparticles can provide a variety of benefits over the use of more traditional nanoparticles (e.g. gold). They can provide greater degrees of sensitivity, easy-read qualitative results and the opportunity for simplified multiplexing (several tests on a single strip).
Positive read small molecule assay: THC
The principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis/marijuana.
Small molecule assays usually produce a positive test outcome with a faint or negative read (no test line = positive test result). To a user, this is counter-intuitive and can lead to misinterpreted results.
Producing a positive read assay provides a clear positive/negative indication and the optical density of the test line can also indicate the concentration strength of the sample.