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Lateral Flow and Rapid IVD
Contract Research, Development & Manufacture
Working with you when results really matter

9 Dec 2022
RAPIvD has achieved certification for
meeting ISO 13485 medical devices standards for ‘contract development and manufacture of lateral
flow assays for IVD’
News Release
Date: 09:12:2022 for immediate release
RAPIvD achieves ISO 13485 certification
Rapid in vitro diagnostics specialist, RAPIvD Ltd has announced that it has achieved certification for meeting ISO 13485 medical devices standards for ‘contract development and manufacture of lateral flow assays for IVD’. The certification follows a rigorous operational audit by the British Standards Institution (BSI).
RAPIvD CEO, Dr Robert Porter said. “Obtaining ISO 13485 certification means that we have passed another strategic milestone in the continued development of the company. We set up our systems to meet the industry’s best-practice standards and to have this ratified by the BSI and ISO recognises the hard work and application of our staff. Furthermore, it assures our partners, customers and others in the supply chain, that we operate quality management processes and deliver high standards in everything we do”.
Dr Porter continued. “Having a pioneering spirit that is underpinned by demonstrable professionalism is a powerful combination. We’re in an excellent position to continue driving gamechanging developments in the field of rapid in vitro diagnostics”.